diumenge, 29 de maig del 2011

The end of eso

This years we learned a lot in all subjects. The most important is thath we had fun with our friends, and we know other people. We think this four years in this high school we had to study and work hard, but we think that has helped us a lot in the coming years. The best moment in this high school was when we all know friends.
In definetly we've had very good learning the most.

In the future I would like to make an advertising graphic design and handmade jewelry.
I think I'll succeed.

dijous, 26 de maig del 2011

Interviewes in Figueres


1. Where are you from?
2. Is it your first time hear in Catalonia?
3. Are you with a group or alone?
4. Have you got a guide?
5. How long will you stay here?
6. What do you thinck of the city?
7. What is the place you like the most?
8. Have you been to Dalíi museum?
9. What's the think you like the most?
10. What have you visited?
11. What are you going to visit here?
12. Is it very expensive stay in Catalonia?
13. Do you like the Mediterranean food?
14. Can you speack Spanish or Catalan?
15. Where you come back again?


1. In California.
2. Yes.
3. For fuun.
4. Alone.
5. "A boy".
6. One week.
7. It's beautifuul.
8. The beach.
9. Today.
10. Sagrada Familia, The Tibidabo...
11. Dali museum.
12. No.
13. Yes.
14. Yes, Spanish.
15. Yes.

Interview 2:

1. In France.
2. No.
3. To fuun.
4. A group.
5. One week.
6. It's a beautifuul city.
7. Figueras.
8. yes.
9. The museum Dalí.
10. Castelló d'empúries, Roses...
11. Yes, In Europe is very expnsive.
12. Yes, the fish I'm very like.
13. No, I'm forget my sapnish in the school.
14. Yes.


Interview 3:



1. From Belgium.
2. No.
3. Holidays.
4. A group.
5. Yes.
6. One week.
7. It's good.
8. Barcelona.
9. Yes.
10. The beach, The Rambla, Camp Nou...
11. Dali museum.
12. No.
13. Yes.
14. No.
14. Yes.


diumenge, 20 de febrer del 2011

Traduction of Love story (Taylor swift)

Tots dos érem joves el primer cop que ens vam veure,
Tanco els ulls, i el flaix comença de nou.
Estic de peu allà. En un balcó de l'aire de l'estiu.

Veig les llums,
Veig el partit els vestits del ball.
Veig que fer el seu camí a través de la multitud,
Vostè diu hola
Jo no ho sabia...

Que eres Romeo, estaves tirant pedres
el meu pare va dir allunya't de Julieta
jo estava plorant a l'escala
Pregant que si us plau no marxessis, i et vaig dir

Romeo porta'm a algun lloc on puguem estar sols,
Vaig a estar esperant tots els theres queda per fer és executar
Tu seràs el príncep i jo seré la princesa
TTS una història d'amor, només digui sí

Així que passarem al jardí per veure't
Nosaltres mantenim bastant perquè estem morts si ells saben
Així que tanca els ulls, escapen a aquesta ciutat per un temps
Perquè tu eres Romeo, jo era una lletra escarlata
I el meu pare va dir allunya't de Julieta
Però tu eres tot per a mi
Estava pregant que si us plau no et vagis, i em va dir que

Romeo porta'm a algun lloc on puguem estar sols
Vaig a estar esperant tots els theres queda per fer és executar
Tu seràs el príncep, jo seré la princesa
TTS una història d'amor, només digui sí

Romeo salva'm, tracta de dir-me com es
Aquest amor és difícil, però és real,
No tingueu por que ho aconseguirem sortir d'aquest embolic
És una història d'amor nadó, només dir que sí, oh,

Estava cansat d'esperar,
Es pregunta si mai es ve al voltant de
La meva fe en tu s'està esvaint
Quan et vaig conèixer als afores de la ciutat, i li vaig dir

Romeo salva'm, he estat sentint tan sola
Segueixo esperant per tu però mai arriben
És això al meu cap, no sé què pensar.
Va caure a terra, i va treure un anell

Casa't amb mi Julieta, mai hauràs d'estar sola
T'estimo i això és tot el que saps
Vaig parlar amb el teu pare, veu i escull un vestit blanc
És una història d'amor nadó, només dir que sí
Oh, oh, oh
Tots dos érem joves el primer cop que el va veure.

Romeo and Juliet: eternal lovers on St Valentine day


1.What do you know about Romeo and Juliet?
Justify your answerI have not ever read this story but to some things, such as they are two lovers who can not fall in love but ends up doing it

2.Where did they live?
They live in Verona (Italy).

3.What were their family names?
Capulets and Montagues.

4.Who wrote the story?
Shakespear's wrote this story.

5.When was the story written?

In 1597.

6. What is the source of this story(origin)?
In Romeo and Juliet can cite two sources that the author drank. The first is The Tragicall History of Romeus and Juliet, a poem by Arthur Brooke published in 1562.

7. Is it a comedy or a tragedy? why?
It is a tragedy because Juliet died.

8. Is a similar story possible today?

No because it crated in the periode average.

divendres, 4 de febrer del 2011


The museum in Egypt has suffered serious damage i monuments sculptures of hundreds of years because of citizen protests against the policy that is currently in Egypt.

The museum has destroyed many important monuments such as the book of Egyptian history, and other objects have been stolen very important for Egypt but also for other countries as it was a very important time for all countries and people.